All Things Teen
Featured Books
Teen Library Council Top 5
Our NCW Teen Library Council is proud to announce its new recommendation series for teens, TLC Top 5. A mix of book, movie, podcast, and music recommendations written by members of the Teen Library Council. The council is composed of teens in 8th-12th grade from...
Jason Reynolds Wants You To Write Your Story
By Tiffany, Mattawa Library Walk into any library and you will see thousands of stories waiting to be read, looked at or listened to. However, any librarian will tell you the best stories belong to the people who walk through those library doors. This year, author...
Celebrate Black Lives: Fiction For All Ages
By Hanna, Coulee City Reading fiction by Black writers expands our understanding of Black voices, stories, achievements, and experiences. Stories by Black authors illuminate the way issues and circumstances have shifted over time, shining a light on how history...
Get in the Know
Need some help with your homework? Want to learn a new language? Interested in learning graphic design or coding? We have a ton of great resources that can help – like BrainFuse HelpNow, Rosetta Stone, Linkedin Learning, and more!
Whether you’re looking for hot new releases or just something great to read, we can help! Find out what’s new and explore some of our favorite sites for finding the best Teen and YA books out there.
There are many ways that students 12 and older can get involved and make a difference at the library. Find out how you can help!
Looking for an opportunity to gain leadership skills and work with other teens to influence library services and make a positive difference in your community? Consider joining the Teen Library Council!