Wenatchee Public Library is getting a new mural — and would like some help choosing the design!
Wenatchee muralists Heather Dappen and Ellen Smith designed three options for the large mural, which will be painted on the long west side of the library (along the parking lot) at 310 Douglas St.
“We’re delighted with all three choices, and can’t wait to learn what the community’s favorite is,” said Rhonnie Craven, President of the Friends of Wenatchee Public Library. The mural is being funded by the Friends and several key community donors. “Our group is so excited to be part of making this possible for the community and the library! Please consider joining us in supporting projects like this one.”
Voting begins today (Sept. 21) and runs through midnight on Sunday, Sept. 26.
Choice A
Choice B
Choice C
“We are thrilled to support public art and help brighten one of the biggest, blankest walls in town,” said Kim Neher, Deputy Director of NCW Libraries, which owns the library.
Dappen and Smith are starting to make a colorful splash in Wenatchee. They painted the large colorful “Better Together/Mejor Juntos” mural on the side of the Wenatchee Valley YMCA building, several murals at Pinnacles Prep, and a mural on the alley side of Collapse Art Gallery on South Wenatchee Ave. You can find them on Instagram @fightthebeige.