FAQs: Borrowing
How many items may I borrow?
You may borrow up to 100 items at a time. There are no limits on how many of a specific type of item (like DVDs) you may borrow.
More information about your library card is available here.
How do I renew items online?
Although we love your calls, you do not need to contact your local library to check your due dates or renew items!
Log in to your account. Due dates are listed on your account summary page. The due date for overdue materials will appear in red. To renew items, select the Renew button next to the item, or scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Renew All. Most items can be renewed up to two times, unless someone else is waiting for them.
Learn more here.
How long may I keep items I borrow?
Books: 28 days
Audiobooks, Magazines, and Music CDs: 14 days
DVDs: 2 weeks
Each item may be renewed up to two times, unless another borrower is waiting for it.
More information about item due dates is available here.
How many times may I renew an item?
Most items may be renewed up to two times, as long as another borrower is not waiting for them.
More information is available here.
Is it okay if I return an item a few days late?
If you know you will be late returning an item, try to renew it online. You can also call your local library and let a librarian know – they will be happy to work with you to find a solution!
More information about checkout periods is available here.
If I checked an item out at one library, may I return it somewhere else?
Yes, absolutely! You may return items at any of our libraries, regardless of where you checked them out.
What happens if I return materials late?
We do not charge late fees for most overdue items*, but your account will be blocked and we will ask you to pay a replacement price of an item if it is lost (more than 70 days overdue). Once you have returned or paid for the item, a librarian can manually lift the restriction from your account.
Fines for lost or damaged material can be paid from your online account, or by cash or check at any of our libraries. More information is available here.
*Depending on the policy of the lending library, items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan may have late fees.
What if an item I want is at another library or is checked out?
All of our libraries share materials with each other, giving you access to a vast collection of books, movies, music, and more. You can place a hold on items you want regardless of their current locations – we will happily send them to your chosen library.
If items you want are checked out, you should also place a hold. We will send a copy to you as soon as it becomes available. For details, read our step-by-step instructions for placing a hold.
Why do I see items on my account that I haven't received?
If you have ordered material through our Mail Order Library, you may notice that items are checked out to you before you receive them. This is because our Mail Order Library checks items out to your account the same day that they are mailed to you. Please allow up to two weeks to receive items from the date they were checked out.
If you did not order the material to be mailed to you, or you have not received the items after two weeks, please contact us.
Why are items I returned by mail still checked out to me?
It can take up to two weeks for items to arrive by mail and be checked in by our Mail Order Library. We do not charge late fines, so there is no penalty for having items slightly overdue on your account. As soon as the items are checked in, the items are removed from your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
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- Email us at info@ncwlibraries.org
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