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La Biblioteca de Soap Lake will be temporarily closed for Reimagining from Monday, January 13 through April 2025.  

During the closure, we encourage patrons to visit the Ephrata Public Library to pick up holds and attend programs. Check out our Calendario de eventos o Pagina de Facebook for the latest information.  

Soap Lake patrons home library will be automatically set to Ephrata during the closure. You are always welcome to update your home library to Biblioteca de pedidos por correo if preferred.  

The Soap Lake book drop will be closed. Library materials can be returned to the Ephrata Library or other neighboring Ubicaciones de las bibliotecas NCW.   

This closure is part of the Reimagining Spaces Project, our $10 million investment into making branch libraries safe, welcoming, and flexible to meet the needs of the communities they serve. The design plan for Soap Lake Library was informed by community feedback gathered from 134 community members in the fall of 2023 through a community meeting, a stakeholder meeting, a pop-up kiosk at Winterfest, and online and paper survey.  

Community feedback prioritized a central place for sharing community activities, a big screen TV to enhance programs, a division between reading and programming areas, and expanding the children’s area to include flexible space for play. All of these priorities are included in the design plan as well as new flooring and paint, an improved circulation desk, new shelving and furniture, improved signage, and the development of a flexible meeting space. 

We anticipate reopening the Soap Lake Library in April 2025. Thank you for your patience! We can’t wait to show you the updated space! 

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