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Top Checkouts of 2024

Top Checkouts of 2024

So, what did NCW check out the most in 2024? Popular authors topped most of the categories of checkouts of physical materials this year. Kristen Hannah's The Women was the overall top checkout. The...

Stream Holiday Movies from the Library

Stream Holiday Movies from the Library

When you find time during the busy holiday season to relax and watch a movie, your NCW Libraries card has you covered! Our online resources Hoopla and Kanopy offer a variety of holiday movies for...

Winter Reading Recs: Winter Wonderland

Winter Reading Recs: Winter Wonderland

By Nat Heck, Area Manager Across the five counties NCW Libraries serves, the abundance of snow has made it clear that we’re walking around in a winter wonderland! Whether you’ve spent the day...


Bibliotecas NCW
Bibliotecas NCWhace 22 horas
We wish you a joyous and peaceful Christmas day.

Los últimos y mejores libros

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